Spaghetti squash grows throughout the warm summer months and produces adult fruits in late summer or autumn. The ivory yellow squash comes with a fibrous flesh which resembles spaghetti noodles and has a light, nutty flavor. You can use the squash noodles as a substitute for pasta. The large plants do require at least 4 square feet of space to develop if you don’t pick a smaller variety and then train it up a fence or trellis. Harvesting the squash at the right time ensures that they are fully mature, and have attained their optimum flavor and texture.
Till a 1-inch-deep layer of compost to the top 6 inches of dirt in a well-drained garden bed which receives sloping sunlight. Sow two spaghetti squash seeds 2 or 3 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Space each grouping of seeds 4 feet apart. Seeds usually sprout in seven days.
Water the bed a couple of times weekly to ensure that the top 6 to 8 inches of soil remains moist. Spaghetti squash require 1 to 2 inches of water weekly from either rain or irrigation. Water the plants close to the ground so the leaf stays dry, which can help prevent fungal problems.
Guide the vines as they grow in the desired growth direction so the plants don’t overgrow nearby beds or develop into walkways. In tiny gardens with minimum ground space, guide small-fruiting spaghetti squash varieties onto a sturdy trellis or fence, and tie the vines to the help with fabric ties. Put a tie each 8 inches along the length of the vine as it grows.
Harvest spaghetti squash following the rind turns totally yellow and starts to harden. The stem starts to dry when the squash attains adulthood. Spaghetti squash generally requires three to five months from planting to ripen completely.
Support the squash in 1 hand, and cut through the stem using a sharp knife. Leave at least 1 inch of stem attached to the squash.
Cure the squash in a moist 80 to 86 degree Fahrenheit location for 10 days if you want to store it for later use. Store the squash in a 50 to 60 degree location after it’s cured.